Able to generate flow velocities over 50m/s, our wind tunnel is designed to fit large 1:1 scale models over its 3m diameter turntable.
With full variable speed control over the 4 centrifugal fans, maximum control of wind speeds allow for low-speed aero-acoustic testing as well as high-speed structural tests.





Wind Tunnel Service Offering 


While the facility is primarily for our own use we are passionate about improving the construction industry. There are three different levels of service offered specifically to the construction industry.

Service Level 1: Facility Hire. Must bring your own engineer and team to complete testing.

Service Level 2: Mock Up & Testing. Includes construction of mock ups, testing to client requirements, and provision of output data.

Service Level 3: Design & Test. Includes system design, construction of mock ups, full testing and engineers report/certification/PS1.






Enquire about the Facade Testing Laboratory