Matching the spreadsheets and operations to the ideas on the whiteboard, Tom provides the vital link between vision and reality. The steady hand that ensures everything runs smoothly, he makes sure the client experience is as enjoyable as can be. He also hides the whiteboard markers to make sure meetings run on time.
Branch: Invercargill
There's a name for someone who can see things that others cannot. It's Jim. When it comes to seeing solutions, Jim can call on years of experience in estimating, drawing, project management and installation to come up with something unique that only those who have been there and done it all might be able to think of.
Branch: Auckland
Attention to detail is nothing without the finely tuned nuanced understanding of what you are looking at. Which is exactly what makes Bradley such a good Project Designer. A broad knowledge of construction and building methodology provide the perfect background. Coffee provides the perfect fuel.
Branch: Invercargill
With a background in mechanical engineering and a history of designing innovation technical solutions, Daniel is one of those people who revels in the details and possesses that unique ability to always identify the best way forward. We'd consider this annoying if he worked for a competitor so we've tied him down to a 35 year contract.
Branch: Auckland
Vincent excels at accuracy and detail. So when it comes to the management and installation of projects, all of those wonderful little intricacies and fine finishing touches are carefully realised in the finished work. Yes, Vincent has a knack for making everything just right. Except tea. Which we don't charge for so that's OK.
Branch: Invercargill
Some skills cannot be taught. Some knowledge is not transferable. So we'll just have to make sure Dale stays fit and keeps on enjoying being part of the Insol team. His experience and industry related knowledge is quite profound and often makes all the difference.
Branch: Invercargill
With a ready smile and youthful exuberance, Archie is often the first contact clients have with Insol. But hidden beneath that youthful exterior is a wise and careful mind, adept at producing meticulous estimates and proposals. With such boundless energy, we often make him work late. He still smiles the next day though.
Branch: Invercargill
Tom's work speaks volumes (which is good as he's not much of a talker). His fabrication and installation drawings showcase a background in civil engineering and structural design, offering incredible insight. They say great art is interpretive. Great installation drawings are the opposite. Which is what Tom does.
Branch: Invercargill
Apparently Shane had the best education in construction possible. At least that's what Dad Jim said. We don't doubt it (we just won't tell Jim and know he won't read this). In fact, considering how smart and at ease Shane is in the building industry, we expect the pupil to become the tutor soon (we won't tell Jim that either).
Branch: Auckland
As an integral part of the most important department in any company; the Marketing Department (yes - they are responsible for web copy), Lily brings a much welcome freshness of thinking. Plugged into the modern way of marketing and communicating, Lily is our youthful link to the future and translator of all things millennial.
Branch: Invercargill
Matt admits to being 'partial to abit of classic jazz'. It's a welcome slice of sophistication to the Insol soundtrack. Even better, after 25 years in the construction industry, Matt can make sure any project sings and hits the high notes. This fine tuning comes from a history steeped up Project Management and a natural ability to solve problems. Matt may or may not display 'jazz hands' at the end of every project.
Branch: Auckland
If you're lucky, there's a Chi in your office. Because everyone needs one. Chi is that person who you realise you know very little about (especially when writing their bio) but enough to know you need them. For Chi possesses the magical ability to polish off all those administrative tasks that would otherwise become a real mess and hamper operations. That's all we need to know (and all we have to share).
Branch: Invercargill
A structural engineer with almost 25 years experience, Phillip stated his career in Vietnam before deciding he'd like to use his skills to see more of the world, first enjoying the heat in Hong Kong, followed by chilling out in Denmark. The logical next step was a location where he could find both a scorching summer and cold winter, so Invercargill it was. Phillip is our resident CAD & REVIT whiz.
Branch: Invercargill
Pyper is our perpetual motion machine. She keeps everything moving and friction free, booking meetings, freight and basically making sure everyone else is organised. Mother to a young daughter, we suspect her parenting skills transfer rather well to the Insol workplace and dealing with the team.
Branch: Invercargill