The traditional delivery methodology is broken. New challenges have emerged to drive up costs and stifle innovation. Decarbonisation efforts are hampered by uneconomical and outdated methodologies, and costs are being driven up by compliance processes which lock in key selections before market pricing and require complex design teams. At the same time, there is an increased risk of variations, and the early engagement of key subcontractors is reducing innovation and opportunity.
Leveraging Insol's in-house experience and technology, the newly created FEDAC methodology addresses all of the key challenges of the modern environment. FEDAC provides the level of certainty and assurance end-users need to progress projects with the highest level of confidence.
FEDAC works by combining facade engineering and design, with an efficient construction methodology and strict control of the supply chain. The FEDAC team handles all regulatory compliance and testing, delivering a quality outcome which enables building owners to realise sustainability and decarbonisation goals quickly and economically.